Liver Cancer Pain Patch
End Stage Liver Cancer Cancer. Our situation seems to be very different from everyone who has posted here. Liver-Doctor-Symptoms-Of-Liver-Damage-660x330.jpg?35e0b8' alt='Liver Cancer Pain Patch' title='Liver Cancer Pain Patch' />A lump or patch of thickened tissue are common symptoms of breast cancer. Home Current Health Articles Causes of Left Side Abdominal Stomach Pain Causes of Left Side Abdominal Stomach Pain. Posted by Jan Modric. My father was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in August 2. After surgery, he had radiation which we think was responsible for the fact that he never regained normal bowel function. He was started on chemo Xeloda but had a severe allergic reaction called hand and foot syndrome the cells leak fluid and the skin turns bright red, peels, and blisters. So no more chemo. The following year, they found tumors in his liver. He delayed biopsy and treatment because he knew he couldntwouldnt take more chemo. By the time they resected the three tumors, one of them was huge and probably would have killed him within weeks it was wrapped around an artery. October 2. 01. 0 they found a small tumor in his lung. When doing pre op work up, they did an MRI and found that the tumors had recurred in his liver. Surgery canceled. No further treatment available. November 2. 01. 0 had a stroke. Now paralyzed on left side. We learned afterwards that cancer increases the risk of stroke. Acrobat Dc 2015 Crack. Sent home to start in home hospice. Here we are at the end of Feb. Four months. He is very, very thin and completely incontinent. He has periods of extreme confusion but most of the time he is completely lucid. No pain. No apparent change in his condition for the past 3 4 months. No jaundice, no concentrated urine. He does sleep a lot. His appetite is still pretty good. I dont see any sign of this ending anytime soon. Not that I want him to die, of course, but this isnt life. It is slow motion death. I know those of you whose family members went fast would have liked more time, but I have to tell you, for the sake of the person with cancer, going fast is really better. Actually, for the sake of the family, too.